Valijon Salikhov founded the company Ermak, one of the first in the country to start producing packaged sunflower seeds and kurt. According to the businessman, nearly 30 years ago, consuming seeds was considered uncultured: they were sold in paper bags, and people would spit out the shells or throw them on the floor. However, by taking the risk to launch production, Valijon Salikhov introduced an updated format of seeds that quickly gained popularity.

The entrepreneur also re-evaluated the production of kurt. Previously, this product lacked factory packaging and was deemed to not meet sanitary standards, but his company was the first to package it and sell it in stores.

Today, the enterprise has significantly expanded in all areas: its product range includes ayran, kurtoba, fruit juices, nut pastes, marmalade, and much more. The company exports its products to the USA, Germany, Kazakhstan, Israel, and other countries.

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According to the businessman, the shortage of qualified specialists has become critical, despite Uzbekistan's population being nearly 40 million. He believes that one of the reasons for this is the declining interest in reading and studying, as without this habit, it is difficult to cultivate professionals who can effectively develop the country.

“If we manage to instill a love for reading and self-development in the younger generation, it will lay the foundation for forming competent specialists of the future. However, discussing books that aid development makes sense only after we understand why people are losing interest in knowledge and find ways to change that,” notes Valijon Salikhov.

The entrepreneur believes that nurturing a love for reading is important from childhood. For instance, conducting regular joint reading sessions of 10-15 minutes a day can also help develop concentration. Children who are accustomed to books from a young age will perceive them as an integral part of their lives.

Interest in reading and knowledge fosters the development of thinking, trains the mind, and helps in further understanding science more deeply. This approach lays the groundwork for sustainable personal growth and the formation of a generation capable of contributing to the country's economic and social development, Valijon emphasized.

“The Art of Winning Friends and Influencing People,” Dale Carnegie

I came across this book at the age of 40 when I was just launching Ermak. I was at the home of my mentor, the People's Artist of the USSR, Rakhim Akhmedov. We were discussing a painting that had been brought to him for evaluation. I was commenting on it when, at one point, he silently handed me the book and suggested I read it. While reading, I realized why my mentor had given it to me.

This book serves as an advisor, helping to build self-confidence, teaching how to communicate effectively with people and influence them. It will help you find friends and establish common ground with others, gently convincing them of your viewpoint. The simple and practical advice in the book makes communication easier and more successful, enhancing life to be brighter and more harmonious.

After reading it, I realized that I didn’t know a lot. In school and university, we were taught exact sciences and professions, but nobody taught us how to communicate: how to talk to people and how to behave.

The ability to persuade is a key skill in business. The book is beneficial for both novice entrepreneurs and experienced businessmen. It is especially important for leaders to articulate their thoughts clearly. For example, when delegating tasks, it is crucial to convey the instructions in such a way that the employee understands the requirements and executes them without mistakes.

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“Landscapes of Reality: 96 Classic Philosophers,” Saida Juraeva

This book was published back in 2009 in Uzbek. It is quite difficult to find, especially in Russian.

The work is a unique collection that includes biographies and quotes from the most outstanding philosophers in the world. This anthology of wise thoughts remains relevant to this day. The book contains diverse and sometimes contradictory opinions, but each occupies its place, enriching the overall picture.

I regularly return to it and reread lines that seem to intuitively answer my current questions and help me understand certain things more deeply.

I believe that we should reread the books we have read: we change, our thinking changes, and thus our perception of the book will also be different.

I think this collection will be useful for both the younger generation and adult readers. Its ideas inspire, provoke thought, and help to see many things in a new light.

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“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey

This book is not a collection of life hacks or quick tips, but a deep and multifaceted work that offers a fundamental approach to personal development and leadership. Covey does not offer “magic pills.” He calls for working on oneself from the inside out, starting with basic habits and ending with interactions with others.

The author teaches taking responsibility, working effectively in a team, earning trust and respect, and achieving career growth.

The principles from the book have proven useful not only in work but also in personal life—in relationships with family and in raising children. They have helped me build trusting relationships and effectively solve any life challenges.

This versatility is what makes the book suitable for both entrepreneurs seeking to become more effective and parents wanting to improve family relationships.

Unlike many self-development books that get caught up in motivational slogans, Covey offers a deeper and more conscious approach to forming values. This approach resonates with me. Many businessmen, when starting their ventures, focus solely on money, which is why they rarely achieve true success. Yes, such a business may have large turnovers, but it will be spiritually impoverished. In the long run, only those who strive to benefit people with their product become truly successful.

I did not come to this realization immediately. But now, every decision in the company is made based on what benefit it will bring to our clients.

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“Think and Grow Rich: A Course in Philosophy of Success from the Classic of Positive Thinking,” Napoleon Hill

“Think and Grow Rich” is essentially a textbook on self-improvement that inspires action and new ways of thinking. The book makes it clear that success begins with understanding your desires and the ability to maintain focus.

The book helped me realize that to achieve my goals, it is important to have not only a specific action plan but also discipline. Hill discusses the significance of faith, the importance of setting specific goals, and developing a plan to achieve them. He also emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people who share your views and values. For me