The new series of the popular animated show "Smeshariki" has sparked a wave of criticism in North Ossetia. An episode dedicated to the culture and traditions of this region received mixed reactions. The characters of the cartoon meet figures from the Nart epic, perform national dances, and participate in an eating contest featuring Ossetian pies. However, this portrayal of traditions has triggered outrage.
Criticism from Historians
The chairman of the historical and ethnographic society "Uatsamong" Marat Tsagarev stated that the series distorts Ossetian culture. In particular, he criticized the scene of the contest at the table:
"Ossetians have never competed at the table. On the contrary, it was considered shameful if someone could accuse you of gluttony. Ossetians have always been restrained in their eating."
Another contentious point was the narration about the culture of Ossetia from the perspective of the character Nyusha — a pig from the animated series. Tsagarev noted that this contradicts the worldview of Ossetian ancestors, who did not revere pigs:
"Speaking through the mouth of a pig about the sacred matters of Ossetia is incorrect."
Questions Regarding Creative Approach
This incident once again highlighted the importance of a respectful approach to national cultural heritage. Where is the line between creative interpretation and respect for traditions? This question remains open.
Nevertheless, the episode from "Smeshariki" has once again demonstrated that the animated series is capable of addressing pressing issues and provoking public resonance, even in an unexpected manner.