In the Zangiatan district of Tashkent region, a man who regularly beat his children has been held criminally responsible. Court documents reviewed by reveal horrifying details.
According to the court ruling, 47-year-old D.P., registered in the Yakkabag district of Kashkadarya region, lived with his two daughters and son in a rented house in the "Bogzor" mahalla of Zangiatan district. His wife, M.B., worked in Russia and returned home for short periods.
The man systematically beat his twin daughters, born in 2010, causing them physical and psychological pain. As a result, the girls sustained bodily injuries of varying severity.
In court, D.P. admitted his guilt, claiming that he hit his daughters to "raise them" since they "stopped listening to him."
Defendant's Testimony:
"In 2009, I went to Moscow for work, and in 2010 I returned. In 2013, I was sentenced to 9 years. After my release in 2016, I went back to work in Russia. Since 2017, I have been engaged in private transportation. Since 2024, my daughters started to disobey me and not follow my instructions. I hit them, mainly the older daughter, with my hands and a mop to raise them."
D.P. expressed remorse and requested a lenient sentence.
Daughters' Testimony:
In court, one of the girls recounted that their father regularly beat them over minor issues:
"In the summer of 2023, he brutally beat us for trivial reasons, hitting us on the head and face with his fists, mercilessly banging our heads against the walls and furniture. This happened repeatedly. He could even beat us because mom didn't send money. If we tried to tell mom about it, he threatened to kill us. My brother secretly recorded these moments on video. Father did not spend the money mom sent on household needs. Sometimes we went to bed hungry, locked in the house while he went somewhere."
The children reported what was happening to their mother, who immediately returned from Russia and contacted the authorities.
The court found D.P. guilty of the crime stipulated in paragraphs "a" and "b" of part 2 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code (Torture). He was sentenced to 3 years in prison.