Thursday13 March 2025

A delegation of business leaders from Jordan will visit Uzbekistan.

During the visit of the Uzbek delegation to Amman, Dilshod Rasulov, the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, met with Hamdi Tabbaa, the Chairman of the Jordanian Entrepreneurs Association.
Делегация бизнес-сообщества Иордании направится в Узбекистан.

During the meeting, issues related to the expansion of trade and economic ties between the two countries were discussed, including the organization of mutually beneficial business visits and the exchange of information about upcoming exhibitions and fairs that will take place in Uzbekistan and Jordan.

Additionally, detailed information was provided about the reforms being implemented in the country, the creation of favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activities, as well as Uzbekistan's investment and export potential.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement was reached for a visit by a delegation of Jordanian entrepreneurs to Uzbekistan this year.