Friday14 March 2025

The EBRD and Uzbekistan discussed projects related to privatization and public-private partnerships.

On January 22 of this year, a meeting took place between a delegation led by Francis Malige, the Managing Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for Financial Institutions, and Jamshid Kuchkarov, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Minister of Economy and Finance.
ЕБРР и Узбекистан провели обсуждение проектов, касающихся приватизации и государственного частного партнерства.

During the meeting, the parties focused on discussing the joint projects implemented over the past period and their outcomes, future directions for cooperation, as well as priority projects aimed at ensuring economic stability and social well-being in Uzbekistan.

In particular, during the dialogue, the parties discussed the acceleration of the privatization processes of state-owned banks, support for the private sector, the development and transformation of state-owned enterprises, as well as projects implemented under public-private partnership programs.

Special attention was given to the development of projects related to the establishment of schools and student dormitories in the education sector.

Furthermore, during the negotiations, the parties exchanged views on issues related to ensuring "green" growth, increasing energy efficiency, and the widespread implementation of "green" technologies, as well as the development and support of small and medium-sized enterprises, and enhancing the accessibility of financial services for women and young entrepreneurs.

The discussion also included the modernization of heating supply infrastructure and the development of specific projects aimed at providing sustainable services to the population based on "green" and innovative technologies.

Particular emphasis was placed on the effective use of water resources, the implementation of irrigation projects, and the widespread application of water-saving technologies in agriculture.