Wednesday05 February 2025

Citizens will be granted five days to settle their outstanding waste disposal fees.

If the debt is not settled, a legal provision will be enforced, temporarily restricting the acceptance of payments for electricity.
Гражданам предоставят 5 дней для погашения долга за вывоз мусора.

On December 24, the Legislative Chamber reviewed and adopted in the second and third readings a bill aimed at implementing new payment mechanisms for waste collection and disposal services.

During the meeting on December 17, the draft law, which strengthens payment discipline in this area, was approved in the first reading with the condition that it be refined before the second reading. Special attention was given to the protection of consumer rights.

While preparing the bill for the second reading, it was thoroughly discussed in working group meetings involving representatives from relevant ministries, agencies, lawyers, and experts. All proposed provisions were carefully analyzed by the deputies, and the bill itself was revised with the principle of "the interests of the individual above all" in mind.

The bill stipulates that consumers will be given a five-day period to settle their debts for waste disposal services after being notified via a short message (SMS). If the debt remains unpaid, a legal provision will be introduced to temporarily restrict the acceptance of electricity payments.

The document also establishes guarantees for consumer rights protection. Organizations specializing in household waste disposal will be held accountable for accurate and fair payment calculations. In cases of violations of these requirements, consumers will be compensated for the damages incurred.

Deputies noted that the adoption of the bill will help improve the payment mechanisms for waste collection and disposal services, as well as enhance the quality of the services provided.