During the negotiations, the prospects for implementing a number of important projects in Uzbekistan were discussed. In particular, the issue of constructing public schools in various regions of the country based on a new innovative model of public-private partnership (PPP) was considered.
Special attention was given to PPP issues, as well as promising directions for future cooperation in the fields of education, healthcare, transportation, and other infrastructure projects.
Representatives of Meridiam noted the high investment potential of the Uzbek market and expressed their interest in establishing long-term cooperation in social and transport infrastructure. They praised the reforms and projects being implemented in Uzbekistan under the PPP framework and confirmed their readiness to apply their own experience and offer innovative financial solutions. In particular, the foreign party showed interest in the recently announced toll road project from Tashkent to Andijan, which includes design, construction, operation, and maintenance.
Furthermore, the parties discussed mechanisms for attracting investments and improving project financing. Meridiam representatives expressed significant interest in the PPP projects being carried out in Uzbekistan and exchanged views on opportunities to expand cooperation in the infrastructure sector in accordance with the principles of long-term sustainable investments.
As a result of the meeting, the parties confirmed their readiness for further cooperation and mutual support in the implementation of joint projects.