In order to increase the share of international bus transportation, routes are planned to be organized from various regions to the following countries:
To the Republic of Kazakhstan: Bukhara – Turkestan; Urgench – Aktau; Fergana – Almaty (via Tajikistan);
To the Republic of Tajikistan: Samarkand – Dushanbe; Bukhara – Dushanbe;
To the Kyrgyz Republic: Andijan – Osh; Andijan – Jalal-Abad; Andijan – Arslanbob; Kosonsoy – Jalal-Abad; Bukhara - Bishkek;
To the Russian Federation: Surkhandarya – Bukhara – Urgench – Nukus – Moscow; Urgench – Nukus – Ufa; Nukus - Krasnodar; Tashkent – Ufa; Tashkent - Krasnodar;
To the People's Republic of China: Nukus – Urgench – Bukhara – Urumqi.
The Ministry of Transport has noted that carriers wishing to operate bus services on regular international routes to the aforementioned destinations can contact the ministry.
Additionally, carriers interested in operating on other regular international bus routes, in accordance with cooperation with foreign carriers on a parity basis, may submit their proposals to the ministry.