As previously reported by Spot, the "Development Strategy" center has introduced a draft presidential decree regarding the state program for 2025.

The document proposes the establishment of a "green entrepreneur" status, which will be awarded to companies for their efforts in addressing environmental challenges. An electronic platform for the certification of "green" businesses is planned to launch on September 1.

The status of "green" companies will be granted based on the following criteria:

  • greening of territories, creation of "green belts," implementation of drip and sprinkler irrigation;
  • introduction of energy-efficient equipment and energy-saving technologies;
  • reduction of impact on the environment, prevention of environmental violations, online monitoring of atmospheric emissions;
  • implementation of circular economy principles (7R).

"Green" companies will receive additional points in the business sustainability rating, as well as exemption from environmental inspections. They will be offered support in promoting their businesses abroad, and "green" builders will receive priority on the "Transparent Construction" platform.

By December 1, a national program for "green" financing is expected to be established. Measures will be taken to organize a "green" economy fund and attract foreign investments for low-carbon development projects.

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Thus, the program envisions a phased acquisition of €200 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. €20 million will be allocated by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) for reducing emissions in the production of nitric acid.

The World Bank plans to attract $10 million for a project aimed at reducing methane emissions in the energy sector and an additional $7.5 million within the iCRAFT project. Furthermore, $6.5 million is expected to be allocated by South Korea through the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

There is a goal to develop a procedure for assessing national projects in the "green" economy, as well as to engage an independent company to validate efforts to reduce atmospheric emissions. With the EU's assistance, plans will be created to enhance energy efficiency in 10 social facilities in Bukhara, Namangan, Nukus, Urgench, and the Guzar district.

Earlier, Spot reported that the ADB allocated $250 million to Uzbekistan for climate transition.