Monday10 February 2025

The Energy Minister stated that at least 50% of residential and commercial buildings will be equipped with solar panels.

A program is being developed to conserve electricity, natural gas, and other heating sources, as well as to optimize the use of energy resources in buildings.
Министр энергетики сообщил, что не менее 50% жилых и коммерческих зданий будут оборудованы солнечными панелями.

In 2025, at least 50% of rooftops on buildings owned by the public and businesses will be equipped with solar panels. This was announced by Energy Minister Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov in an interview with Uzbekistan 24 .

"At today’s meeting, the president outlined specific tasks that need to be accomplished as part of the state program for 2025. In particular, increasing the share of green energy, implementing green energy across all sectors and industries, including households, providing maximum support for these initiatives, connecting to the grid, and purchasing excess energy generated by the public. Clear instructions and assignments have been given for the development of mechanisms and plans, as well as for organizing targeted work at the neighborhood level," the minister stated.

According to him, in addition to new generating capacities of 3.5 thousand megawatts, an additional 1 thousand megawatts of energy capacity will be created. A program for the construction of around 3 thousand small hydropower plants over the next two years has also been commissioned, along with the goal of covering at least 50% of rooftops on buildings owned by the public and businesses with solar panels. Furthermore, a program for energy conservation, natural gas, and other heating sources will be prepared, including effective use of energy efficiency resources in buildings.

"The program emphasizes the need for modernizing enterprises with low energy efficiency and introducing new production capacities," added Mirzamakhmudov.

However, the minister did not specify the funding sources for the costs associated with the installation of solar panels.