The outgoing year has been eventful for SIUT: new innovative educational methodologies have been implemented, the geography of collaboration with leading universities worldwide has expanded, and a series of large-scale events have been conducted. The university continues to enhance its research activities, providing students with opportunities for professional, academic, and personal growth.
As we approach the new year of 2025, the university celebrated another achievement: recognition at the prestigious scientific festival “SCIENCE AND INNOVATION AWARDS,” organized by the international scientific journal “Science and Innovation.”
Held on December 21, 2024, at the Palace of Arts “Turkiston,” the festival gathered over 200 state and private universities, research institutes from Uzbekistan, young scientists, professors, and academicians from the republic, providing a unique platform for experience exchange and summarizing the scientific results of the past year.
Within the framework of the event, exhibitions showcasing the achievements of universities from across the country were organized, along with a gala concert featuring renowned artists. At the “Science and Innovations Awards” festival, the Samarkand International Technological University presented an exhibition that included the university's publications, display materials, and a video presentation about SIUT's achievements. The organizers highly appreciated the SIUT exhibit, noting its innovative approach and substantive content.
It is worth highlighting that SIUT ranked among the best non-state universities in the country, securing a prestigious second place in the rankings (1st place – EMU University, 3rd place – ISFT), and was awarded a finalist diploma. This success is particularly significant considering the university's young age and its ambitious goals to cultivate a new generation of engineers and technologists for the sustainable development of Uzbekistan.
Since its inception, SIUT has confidently progressed towards achieving its goals. The university has become a platform for implementing advanced international educational standards in the engineering field. Today, the university offers nine undergraduate engineering programs, a business school, as well as the Chinese Energy Institute and the Korean Institute of Technology and Culture. These educational structures are aimed at training specialists capable of addressing advanced challenges in key sectors of the economy.
An important phase in the university's development has been the gradual implementation of a dual education system since February 2023. Dual education allows students to combine theory with practice directly on production sites. At the recent Senate meeting of SIUT in November 2024, the university announced its readiness to transition to a full dual education system starting in January 2025, marking a significant step in integrating the educational process with real sectors of the economy.
It is important to emphasize that in a relatively short time, SIUT has gained recognition not only at the national level but also internationally.
The rector of SIUT, Professor Yusuf Abdullaev, summarizing the year, emphasized: “The successes of SIUT are the result of the coordinated efforts of our entire team and students who demonstrate a high level of responsibility and a desire for knowledge. The year 2024 has been rich in achievements for us, and we are confident that 2025 will open new horizons. We take pride in our students and our multinational faculty, who actively work to strengthen the academic potential of the university and the country as a whole. SIUT will continue its efforts to prepare a new generation of engineers ready to meet the demands of the times and capable of making a significant contribution to the development of Uzbekistan.”