Thursday13 February 2025

A new railway station, Chinorkent, has been inaugurated.

The railway route connecting Tashkent and Khojikent has been extended to the new station of Chinorkent.
Запущена в эксплуатацию новая железнодорожная станция Чиноркент.

According to the press service of "Uzbekistan Railways," the construction of a new 1.5-kilometer stretch of railway has become part of a large-scale project that also involved the expansion of the road leading to the Charvak reservoir.

At the Chinorkent station, a 150-meter platform has been constructed, featuring a protective canopy for the convenience of passengers. Additionally, to ensure pedestrian safety, an underground passage has been built, providing easy access to the platform.

The director of the suburban transport enterprise "Uzbekistan Railways," Murodjon Mamaraymov, noted that there are plans to install information kiosks for ticket purchases at all stations along this route in the future.

Passengers can also pay for their journey directly on the train, including the use of ATTO travel cards.