Monday10 February 2025

In Fergana, a five-story building has been constructed among private homes, but residents' complaints have gone unanswered.

A businessman received approval from his neighbors to construct a two-story house in the "Bakhor" neighborhood of Ferghana, but he has actually begun building a five-story building. The relevant authorities, aware of the illegal construction, are turning a blind eye, while local residents are tirelessly appealing to various institutions for help.
В Фергане рядом с частными домами возвели 5-этажное здание, но жалобы местных жителей не приводят к решению проблемы.

After numerous complaints from neighbors, the relevant authorities investigated the situation and found violations in the construction project. The initial approval was revoked, and a criminal case was opened regarding this matter. However, in September of last year, the regional architectural and urban planning council issued a positive conclusion for the construction once again.

The basis for this was a resolution from the meeting in the "Bakhор" mahalla. However, this meeting was held in secret, without the participation of nearby residents. According to the rules, construction must undergo public discussion, neighbor consent must be obtained, and minimum distances between buildings must be maintained.

"The entrepreneur deceived everyone"

"A businessman appeared, promised to build a two-story house, and in the end, constructed a five-story building. Now our homes are in the shade, there is no sunlight, and no proper air circulation. We, the neighbors, are against this construction," says local resident Jabbor Jumayev.

"The construction began with deception"

"Initially, we were told that a two-story house would be built, and we agreed. Then suddenly they started erecting a five-story building. For two years, we have been fighting this issue, writing appeals to various authorities, but there has been no response. Moreover, after our complaints, representatives from various organizations came and threatened us with the demolition of our homes. However, we found out at the Center for Government Services that our area is not subject to demolition," reported another resident, Jurabek Yokubov.

Neighbor Zainabkhon Koraboshova also expressed concern: "The house is built very dangerously; we live in fear along with our children and grandchildren, and no one can influence the entrepreneur."

"It seems they are waiting for someone to die"

"According to urban planning norms, neighbor consent is essential before starting construction. However, even if no neighbor agrees, the construction continues anyway. God forbid, if an earthquake occurs, the surrounding houses will be buried under the rubble.

Gairat Yusupov

"Should we sell our homes for a pittance and leave? How can we live when we are stared at from strange windows above us? If an earthquake happens, what then? Is there anyone who can help us?" asks another resident of the mahalla, Gairat Yusupov.

"There’s no time to look into windows now" received a comment from the representative of the construction company, Salohiddin Ismailov, who stated: "Before starting construction, all neighbors agreed. This area is slated for demolition, so sooner or later, all houses here will be demolished. I have prepared all the documents and found an investor. I have all the permits. As for the fact that neighboring houses can be seen from the windows, no one has time to look into windows now. Nevertheless, I have installed special blinds to block the view," says entrepreneur Salohiddin Ismailov.

"The issue must be resolved in court"

The deputy head of the territorial construction control inspection in the Fergana region, Adhamjon Akbarov, explained: "The letter of consent from the neighbors indicated the construction of an apartment building; they wrote and signed it themselves. After that, the architectural management issued the permit. Permitting documentation for multi-story office buildings was issued for this site.

Based on this, project and cost documents were developed. These documents also went through the council, which approved them and consented to the construction of a five-story office building. On this basis, we issued a construction permit.

If the developer began work in advance without our knowledge, we may not have been aware. It is incorrect to start construction based on the protocol of the mahalla committee meeting. We should have granted permission. If residents have objections to the construction, I advise them to turn to the court."

Residents living next to the new construction hope for government assistance in halting the illegal building activity.

Sarvar Ziyoев,
montage: Sardor Mamirov.