Monday10 February 2025

Every Friday, government institutions in Tashkent will host a "National Clothing Day."

Employees are encouraged to wear national costumes on workdays (excluding the approved uniform), for which special arrangements will be made.
Каждую пятницу в государственных учреждениях Ташкента будет отмечаться «День национальной одежды».

The Hokim of Tashkent, Shavkat Umurzakov, has signed a resolution titled "On Additional Measures for the Broad Promotion of National Identity in Tashkent."

According to the decree, a working group will be established in the city, and the project "National Tashkent" will be approved.

The working group will focus on developing materials for the promotion of national clothing, organizing events to strengthen its status, supporting entrepreneurs who produce national clothing, as well as conducting training seminars, competitions, and other activities. The implementation of the decree will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

Management bodies, organizations, and district hokimiyats will conduct cultural, educational, informational, and promotional activities aimed at popularizing national clothing and culture. Material and moral incentives are planned to support these initiatives.

Every Friday, a "National Clothing Day" will be held in government institutions in Tashkent, which will be actively promoted across all organizations and enterprises.

Employees of the hokimiyats of the city and districts of Tashkent, as well as their departments and other government bodies, are recommended to wear national clothing on working days (except for approved uniforms). Special conditions will be created for this purpose.

To promote national identity, the Tashkent city hokimiyat has initiated an information campaign under the slogan "National Clothing Suits Everyone" as part of the "National Trend" challenge.

In each mahalla of Tashkent, circles for traditional games, dances, and songs will be organized to preserve and promote national customs and traditions.

Competitions, quizzes, games, and other events on the theme of national values and clothing are planned. Participants who actively engage in these challenges and competitions will be rewarded by the hokimiyat.

However, the decree lacks a detailed explanation of the terms "national identity" and "national clothing."