Friday14 March 2025

Beijing will host its first half marathon featuring both humans and humanoid robots participating together.

An unusual race featuring both robots and humans is set to take place in Beijing. The 21-kilometer event will occur in April 2025 in the Daxing district. Approximately 12,000 human runners and dozens of robots are expected to participate. The top three finishers will be awarded prizes, regardless of whether they are human or artificial participants.
В Пекине состоится первый полумарафон, в котором примут участие как люди, так и человекоподобные роботы.

In April 2025, a unique half-marathon will take place in Beijing, featuring humanoid robots alongside approximately 12,000 human runners. The event will be held in the Daxing District, known as the "Southern Gate of Beijing."

The distance will cover 21 kilometers, and prizes will be awarded to the top three participants, regardless of whether the winner is a human or a robot.

Eligible participants include bipedal humanoid robots ranging from 0.5 to 2 meters in height, capable of moving independently without wheels. One of the requirements is that the minimum distance from the hip joint to the foot must be at least 0.45 meters. Robots can be either autonomous or remotely controlled, but battery replacements are only permitted during the race.

More than 20 companies in the robotics field have already submitted applications to participate in the event. The main goal of the marathon is to assess the level of advancement in artificial intelligence and robotic technologies.

China aims to actively integrate smart robots into industry and other sectors to address the challenges posed by an aging population and declining birth rates. Additionally, the country's authorities are looking to enhance competition with American technology companies.