Friday14 March 2025

In Tashkent, a cleaner tragically lost her life in the elevator shaft of the Riviera shopping center.

On February 3rd, an unfortunate incident occurred at the Riviera shopping center, located in the Almazar district of Tashkent, resulting in the death of a cleaner.
В Ташкенте в лифтовой шахте торгового центра Riviera произошла трагедия: уборщица потеряла жизнь.

According to the source, a woman in the elevator shaft was struck by a falling lift. She died at the scene of the incident.

The press service of the General Prosecutor's Office clarified that on February 3 at 11:10, 45-year-old Sh. M., who worked as a cleaner in a shopping complex, entered the elevator shaft to clean the glass panels. While she was in the corner of the shaft, the elevator doors closed, and the cabin began to move upwards. As this happened, the lift's counterweights descended and crushed the woman.

The deceased, originally from the Bukin district of the Tashkent region, had been employed at this shopping center since 2020. She is survived by two children.

According to Bekzod Berdiev, head of the press service of the Committee for Industrial, Radiation, and Nuclear Safety under the Cabinet of Ministers, the cause of the accident may have been a violation of safety regulations.

A team consisting of prosecutors and law enforcement officers is working at the scene. An investigative check is underway.