Monday10 February 2025

In Tashkent region, a dispute between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law led to a baby suffering burns on parts of its body.

The child has received the necessary medical assistance. The Interior Ministry of the Tashkent district is conducting a preliminary investigation.
В Ташкентской области младенец получил ожоги из-за конфликта между свекровью и невесткой.

In the Tashkent region, a family dispute between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law resulted in burns to an infant. This was reported by children's ombudsman Suraiyo Rakhmonova.

It is reported that on January 27, in the Tashkent district of the capital region, a 25-year-old woman (K.M., born in 1999) had an argument with her mother-in-law (M.K., born in 1966). During the conflict, the mother-in-law threw a thermos of hot water at the daughter-in-law, causing burns to the arms and legs of the 23-day-old infant who was in the mother's arms.

The child has received all necessary medical assistance.

In connection with this incident, a preliminary investigation is being conducted by the Tashkent district police department.

Additionally, to prevent further escalation of the conflict, a protective order has been issued to the daughter-in-law for a duration of one month, and the family members have been informed of the imposed restrictions.