Wednesday12 March 2025

All new buildings will be connected to centralized heating, according to the Ministry of Construction.

All new apartment buildings will be connected to a centralized heating system or a local boiler house. This information was provided to by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services.
Минстрой сообщил, что все новые жилые здания будут подключены к централизованной системе отопления.

In the new buildings of New Tashkent, a centralized trigeneration system will be implemented for heating and cooling.

According to, by 2025, 135,000 new apartments will be constructed in the republic, all of which will be connected to the centralized heating system.

The ministry reported that this year, 120,000 apartments are planned to be built in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the regions, and Tashkent, with 15,000 apartments specifically in the New Tashkent area.

In these areas, multi-apartment buildings, engineering and transport communications, as well as social, production, trade, and service facilities will be constructed comprehensively. Considering this, the multi-apartment buildings with 29,000 apartments being built in the "New Uzbekistan" area will be provided with a centralized heating system, as stated in the ministry's comment.

The ministry highlighted that in regions of the republic with a high demand for housing, multi-apartment buildings for 91,000 apartments are planned. In areas where connection to local centralized boiler houses is feasible, the new multi-apartment buildings will be connected to them. In regions where such opportunities do not exist, separate boiler houses will be constructed.