Thursday13 March 2025

Palm oil will be required to undergo testing.

Starting from March 1, 2025, in Uzbekistan, palm oil and its fractions will be subject to mandatory compliance testing with established standards.
Пальмовое масло обязательно подлежит исследованию.

According to the presidential decree dated January 30, 2025, starting from March 1, the import of palm oil into Uzbekistan, as well as products containing palm oil and trans-isomers of fatty acids (including dairy products and processed milk products), will be subject to mandatory testing in accredited laboratories. These tests will be conducted in accordance with the established procedures to ensure compliance with the requirements of current technical regulations and standards when issuing sanitary and epidemiological conclusions.

The Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Wellbeing and Public Health has been instructed to enhance control over the use of palm oil in accordance with regulatory documents during inspections of the activities of entrepreneurs involved in the production, transportation, storage, and sale of food raw materials and food products.

Palm oil contains up to 45% palmitic acid. Excessive consumption of this acid may lead to the development of atherosclerosis and the blockage of blood vessels by fat deposits.