Tuesday14 January 2025

A "Unified Seasonal Menu" will be introduced in state-run kindergartens.

To ensure healthy, safe, and high-quality nutrition for children in state-run kindergartens, a "Unified Seasonal Menu" will be implemented by July 1, 2025.
В государственных детских садах внедрят «Единое сезонное меню».

A resolution has been adopted by the government regarding "Measures for Improving the Organization of Healthy Nutrition in State Preschool Educational Institutions."

According to the resolution, the following measures will be implemented:

  • a phased transition of the nutrition system in state preschool educational institutions to outsourcing;
  • the introduction of a "Unified Seasonal Menu" and the tracking of nutrition expenses through modules created in the information management system for preschool education "Bolalar bogchasi (Kindergarten)";
  • the organization of nutrition in state kindergartens based on the "Unified Seasonal Menu," with the establishment of daily nutrition expenses per child, categorized by regions of the republic.

Additionally, a Center for the Organization and Control of Nutrition in the Education Sector will be established.

One of the main activities of the Center will be to coordinate the organization of healthy nutrition in state preschool and general education institutions, as well as the phased digitalization of processes.

The resolution has approved the Regulation "On the Organization of Healthy Nutrition Based on Outsourcing in State Preschool Educational Institutions."

In order to ensure healthy, safe, and quality nutrition for children in state kindergartens, a "Unified Seasonal Menu" will be implemented by July 1, 2025.

By July 1, 2025, in kindergartens where healthy nutrition will be organized, contracts will be established with entrepreneurs in accordance with the established procedure, and a nutrition system based on outsourcing will be set up.