In the law enforcement agencies of the Fergana region, attempts to illegally organize Umrah have been thwarted. Three individuals without the necessary licenses for this activity have been apprehended.
During operational activities, instances of illegal arrangements for citizens to perform Umrah were identified:
- A resident of Margilan, M.A., lacking the necessary permissions, promised to send five individuals to Fergana for Umrah and was apprehended with material evidence upon receiving 5700 US dollars for his services.
- In another case, the head of a travel company O.M. in the Uchkuprik district was detained while receiving 2500 US dollars for sending two people, despite not having the appropriate license.
- In Kokand, an employee of a local travel agency A.Z. deceived two citizens and received 2400 US dollars for organizing a trip to Umrah, and was caught in the act.
Criminal cases have been initiated regarding these facts, and an investigation is underway.
As of early October, 77 companies in Uzbekistan were authorized to provide services for organizing Umrah. However, following a tightening of licensing requirements, which included the introduction of a 1 million dollar reserve fund, the number of licensed companies has drastically decreased — currently, only 12 remain.